🗞️Australia should recognise Palestine as a state, according to Greens

In light of Norway, Ireland, and Spain's recognition of a Palestinian state, the Greens have demanded that the government follow suit. Labour must make sure that Australia follows through on its election pledge, as stated by Greens leader Adam Bandt in a post to X regarding the issue.

To recall, The Australian government has downplayed any impending efforts to recognise Palestinian statehood, claiming that it is more concerned with pressing for hostage releases and changes to the Palestinian Authority.


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While visiting Bangladesh, Australia's foreign minister, Penny Wong, stated in a recent interview with SBS News that while the country is "supportive of a two-state solution - we have been for many decades" but that the task "has a greater urgency now." 

Foreign Minister Israel Katz ordered the immediate recall of Israel's ambassadors from Spain, Norway, and Ireland after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused the nations of sponsoring terrorism.This comes after plans to formally recognise a Palestinian state were announced by Spain, Norway, and Ireland on Wednesday.

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