🗞️Australia Stresses Importance of International Law Amid ICC Proceedings

After the chief prosecutor of the international criminal court asked for arrest warrants for Israeli officials, including Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, as well as Hamas, for war crimes and crimes against humanity, the Albanese government declared that it respected the court's “important” and “independent” role in upholding the law.

Anthony Albanese, the prime minister, stated at a press conference that he would not comment on court proceedings.

“What we need to concentrate on, when it comes to the Middle East, is what we have been saying from the time that on October 7, the terrorist atrocity committed by Hamas, we oppose that. We have called for the release of hostages. We have called for a humanitarian ceasefire. We have called for increased humanitarian aid for the people of Gaza. “, He said

“We have said that every life matters, whether it be Israeli or Palestinian. And we’ve called for progress towards a two‑state solution. That is where we are concentrating, playing a role where we can in promoting the right of both Israelis and Palestinians to live in security, in peace, and with prosperity.” He disclosed.


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In a more direct statement to reporters on Tuesday, Labour Cabinet Minister Chris Bowen stated that "international law must always be observed and nobody gets a free pass for that." The US president, Joe Biden, made remarks on Tuesday in which he rejected accusations that Israel was committing genocide. The Coalition criticised the Albanese government for failing to support these remarks.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton said, “ Well, my view is that Australia should stand shoulder-to-shoulder with President Biden, and he's shown the strength of leadership to stand up against this equivalence, which is completely and utterly repugnant. To compare the Israeli Prime Minister to a terrorist organisation leader, and to not have some clarity in relation to it, I think is appalling.”

Dutton said the Prime Minister squibbed it today when he was asked about this issue, and the Prime Minister had the opportunity at the ICC, where Australia was consulted in relation to this matter, they didn't weigh in and say that they were against this measure, instead, they sat on the sideline and had nothing to say about it at all.

“Now, I don't know why the Prime Minister is not showing leadership at the moment on the economy, he's not showing leadership in relation to anti-Semitism, and he's tarnishing and damaging our international relationships with like-minded nations when he's not strong enough to stand up alongside President Biden.” He said .

“I very strongly support the comments of Joe Biden today in relation to the ICC. It's an abomination, and it needs to be ceased. This action is anti-Semitic, and it is against the interests of peace in the Middle East.” Dutton added.

He pointed out that the Australian Government had the opportunity to stand up against the action of the ICC, which is unwarranted, to draw equivalence between Israel and Hamas is a shocking indictment on the integrity of the ICC and the Prime Minister today didn't have anything substantive to say in relation to it.

“ Either the Prime Minister is not across the detail, or he's trying to please a domestic audience here for political purposes. Either way, he's selling out Australia, and that is not helping our interests internationally.” Dutton disclosed.

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