Australian Humanitarian Groups Demand Action to Safeguard Gaza Civilians

Over 30 humanitarian organisations signed an open letter to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his senior ministers urging diplomatic intervention to protect civilians in Gaza.

The Australian Council for International Development letter, signed by Save the Children Australia, ActionAid, and United Aid Abroad, urges Australia to influence a Hamas-Israel ceasefire.

“The Australian Government must use its voice and exert its influence to seek a ceasefire – an end to the rapidly escalating conflict – as a matter of urgency,” the letter sent to Mr Albanese, Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong, Defence Minister Richard Marles and International Development Minister Pat Conroy says.

The organisations are calling for: the protection of civilians, negotiation for the safe release of hostages, humanitarian access, a ceasefire and renewed efforts towards a long-term diplomatic solution.

More than 4000 civilians have died in the bombing of Gaza in retaliation for Hamas’ kidnapping and murder of communities in southern Israel. ACFID unequivocally condemns the abhorrent killing and kidnapping of civilians by armed Palestinian groups.

ACFID unequivocally condemns the abhorrent killing and kidnapping of civilians by armed Palestinian.

“We are deeply concerned at the ongoing violation of the human rights of citizens in Gaza and Israel, and breaches of International Humanitarian Law,” the letter says.

“We ask your government to be unceasing in your efforts to achieve unimpeded access for humanitarian assistance, a humanitarian corridor and protection of civilians. We call for a pause in the hostilities to allow for critical humanitarian work to save lives.”

According to Nikita White, Campaigner, Amnesty International Australia, “Amnesty International is greatly concerned about violations of international humanitarian law (the laws of war) by Israeli forces in Gaza. We have collected evidence of horrific human rights abuses; from the use of white phosphorus, which burns the skin, to airstrikes pounding residential buildings, killing children, to the cutting off of water, food, fuel, and electricity to millions of people.” 

She added In spite of this, the Australian Parliament disappointingly chose not to condemn war crimes committed by Israel this week. Calls for restraint and the protection of civilians from the Prime Minister and Minister Wong are welcome, but we call on them to condemn war crimes committed by Israel. We cannot allow any country to commit war crimes with impunity.

“If the government continues to call for the protection of civilians and condemns all violations of international humanitarian law, regardless of the perpetrator, we can make a real difference to the people of Gaza.” She says.

Meanwhile, more than 74 Australian civil society organisations signed a statement today urging the government to address the Gaza humanitarian crisis.

The organisations urge Australia to immediately call for a ceasefire and end civilian targeting in Gaza.

As Israeli forces prepare for a ground invasion, Gazans face an ongoing humanitarian crisis. The Israeli siege of Gaza has cut off clean water, food, fuel, and power. Relief corridors are unavailable in Gaza, and the Rafah border crossing to Egypt has been repeatedly attacked.

Chief Executive of the  Australian Council for International Development, Marc Purcell,

said: "We call on the Albanese Government to work for a ceasefire. Mr. Albanese, please act to prevent people from being bombed further and to lift the siege that denies water, food, and medicine to children, the elderly, women, and the disabled. Gazan people, half of whom are children, are dying of dehydration. Negotiations must start to release the hostages.  We need Australia's voice calling for peace now. "

These organisations include human rights organisations, trade unions, aid organisations, faith groups, and organisations representing Jewish and Palestinian people. Among them are Amnesty International Australia, the Australian Centre for International Justice, the Australian Council for International Development, the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union, the Australian National Imams Council, Arab Council Australia, and the Human Rights Law Centre.

Meanwhile, The Law Council of Australia condemns the attack on Israel by the Hamas militant group, whose indiscriminate, deliberate atrocities perpetrated against civilians – including killing and kidnapping hostages – violate unequivocal, non-derogable prohibitions under international law.

“It implores Israel to strictly adhere to international humanitarian law, in particular, the principles of distinction and proportionality, and permit the delivery of humanitarian supplies to Palestinian civilians in Gaza.” Statement said.

The Law Council joins the international legal community in urging governments and international institutions to use their best diplomatic efforts to secure the release of hostages, establish humanitarian corridors and facilitate evacuations, and prevent the escalation of violence in the region.

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