Australian Red Cross launches Register.Find.Reunite. to reunite families and friends impacted by severe weather on the coast of NSW

In response to the severe weather on the coast of NSW, Australian Red Cross has launched the Register.Find.Reunite. service.

Australian Red Cross Emergency Services Lead, Sarah U’Brien said being separated from family and friends is one of the most stressful things a person can experience during an emergency.

“Not knowing where your loved ones are, and not being able to contact them by phone or email adds to that anxiety. The Register.Find.Reunite. service helps find and reunite family, friends and loved ones during a disaster,” Ms U’Brien said.

If you or a loved one has been impacted by severe weather on the coast of NSW, Australian Red Cross encourages you to register or enquire through the Register.Find.Reunite. service via the Australian Red Cross website at from a computer or any mobile device.

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The service matches registrations from people affected by an emergency to enquiries made by their loved ones searching for news. Where a match is made, with consent, the person who made the enquiry will be notified.

It’s important for emergency management agencies to know where people are during emergencies. By registering with Register.Find.Reunite. you are also letting important services know that you are OK and what support you may need.

Rainfall equivalent to a month in 16 hours over Sydney has caused travel disruptions, flight delays, and evacuation alerts. On Friday, a slow-moving upper-level low soaked central New South Wales, causing flash and riverine flooding to be felt in regional areas. Numerous flights into and out of the city's domestic and international airport terminals were cancelled, and train services in Sydney's inner suburb of Redfern experienced significant delays as a result of damaged equipment. After water damaged the local electrical infrastructure, power was also cut to inner city blocks, including a significant court complex in the city centre.

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