Exciting educational opportunities with the Monash-TAU collaboration in AI healthcare

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Enhancing healthcare and medical AI education, research, and student engagement are the goals of a new partnership between The Apollo University (TAU), situated in Chittoor, India, and Monash University's Faculty of Information Technology (IT).

Regarding the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that the two organisations signed earlier this month, Professor Chris Bain, who oversees digital health at Monash University's Faculty of Information Technology, expressed his excitement about the many opportunities that the collaboration between Apollo University and the Faculty will bring.

Professor Bain stated, "This agreement is a first step towards sharing and developing more capabilities in the space of digital healthcare and delivery."

"The pandemic highlighted the significance of developing digital health capabilities, such as investigating ways to provide the public with the best technology support available in ways that are most appropriate for them, enabling them to take charge of their wellness needs, and investigating ways to implement these systems in healthcare settings that are currently relatively low tech, paper-based, or resource-poor."

The partnership will enable Monash Faculty of IT researchers and academics to hold knowledge-sharing sessions with TAU health sciences students and Apollo Hospitals medical staff.

Joint certification programmes lasting four to six months will be available to TAU students, with a focus on digital health and health informatics and analytics in partnership with Monash University. Under a mutually beneficial agreement, students from Monash University will be able to obtain real-world experience at Apollo Hospitals Group.

"Better health outcomes in both countries will surely result from building strong networks of learning and research sharing between learning centres in India like Apollo University and Monash Faculty of Information Technology," Professor Bain stated.

The universities want to host regular international Health AI events that will act as a forum for researchers to share findings and debate strategies for addressing healthcare challenges with the aid of artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies, in addition to teaching and engaging students.

Professor Satyanarayana Rentala of TAU's School of Health Sciences praised Professor Bain for fostering the partnership and endorsed the two universities' strategic collaboration.

Professor Rentala stated, "Our shared goals of making significant advancements with practical applications in the field of digital health are well-aligned with the alliance between our two institutions and the upcoming knowledge sharing."

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