JumpCloud claims nation-state group breached systems.

Identity security company JumpCloud, with headquarters in the United States, claimed that a "sophisticated" nation-state group recently breached its systems to target a select number of customers.

After working with affected customers and reducing the attack vector, the vendor said in a blog post last week that it had decided to publish details of the security incident.

Bob Phan, the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of JumpCloud, reported on June 27 that on an internal orchestration system, we discovered unusual activity that we connected to a sophisticated spear-phishing campaign that the threat actor carried out on June 22.

He said Unauthorised entry was made to a particular section of our infrastructure as part of that activity. At the time, there was no evidence of a customer impact.

“We rebuilt infrastructure, rotated credentials, and took a number of other precautions to strengthen the security of our network and perimeter. We also activated our prepared incident response plan and examined all systems and logs for potential activity while collaborating with our incident response (IR) partner. We also contacted and involved law enforcement in our investigation at this time as part of our IR plan,” Phan said.

In order to help other organisations recognise similar attacks, JumpCloud published a list of indicators of compromise (IOCs) and alerted law enforcement to the attack.

“These are sophisticated and persistent adversaries with advanced capabilities. Our strongest line of defense is through information sharing and collaboration. That’s why it was important to us to share the details of this incident and help our partners to secure their own environments against this threat. We will continue to enhance our own security measures to protect our customers from future threats and will work closely with our government and industry partners to share information related to this threat,” Phan disclosed.

Over 180,000 organisations use JumpCloud for single sign-on, multi-factor authentication, and cloud and device security.

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