New research shows Australian primary schoolers and their families struggle with mental health - HCF

The largest not-for-profit health fund in Australia, HCF, commissioned new research that has produced some alarming results and a nationally representative snapshot of the difficulties faced by families with primary school-aged children. Approximately one in three parents (37%) said that their child had received a formal diagnosis of a mental health or neurodevelopmental condition, with ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, and anxiety being among the most common diagnoses. Of the parents surveyed, over half (53%) said that their primary school-aged child had shown mental health challenges in the previous 12 months. The survey also revealed gaps in the availability of mental health care, with over a third (35%) of parents confessing that they had not sought help for their child at all.

"These statistics underscore the critical need for proactive measures to support the mental health of children and their families,” said Kirrilie Smout, clinical child psychologist and founder of Calm Kid Central.

Calm Kid Central is an online program designed to assist children dealing with emotional, social, or life challenges through interactive lessons, games, and access to an online forum of child psychologists to support parents and caregivers.

"Research suggests early intervention is linked with better outcomes for children later in life," said Ms Smout.

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 More than eight in ten (85%) parents surveyed said their child’s mental health challenges had impacted their family’s daily life, citing strain on parent-child relationships, difficulty balancing caregiving responsibilities, changes in daily routines or activities, and financial implications.

"By providing comprehensive support systems encompassing mental health services and family support, we can empower families to navigate these challenges effectively," said Linda Opie, HCF's Head of Health & Wellbeing.

Alarmingly, six in ten (61%) parents surveyed reported personally facing mental health challenges in the past 12 months because of their primary schooler’s mental health issues, with one in eight (12%) saying they hadn’t sought any support for themselves.

“Everyone’s mental health journey is different, and often finding where to go for support for yourself or your loved ones can be challenging,” Linda said.

The availability of professionally led and science-backed digital mental health services that can be used independently or in combination with in-person support to assist families in need, continues to grow.

For example, This Way Up, a not-for-profit initiative developed by experienced psychiatrists and clinical psychologists, offers a range of evidence-based online health programs and practical resources. Digital platform PSYCH2U provides convenient access to online cognitive behavioural therapy and mental health check-ins with psychologists.

Access to Calm Kid Central is free for HCF members with children aged 4 to 11. Eligible HCF members can also access one free mental health check-in annually with a PSYCH2U psychologist, as well as rebates on This Way Up programs using their extras cover.

“Almost all of us will face stress, anxiety or depression at some point in our lives, and we know mental wellbeing is just as important as physical wellbeing,” Linda said.

“By reaching out for help, parents can take the first step towards supporting their child's and their own mental wellbeing," said Linda.

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