⚖️UP expert reports ‘ecological disaster’ in Sabina Shoal

South China Sea: Why are tensions between China and the Philippines rising?
Today's newsbrief

Hi there - It’s Jaime

Today’s issue takes 6 minutes to read.

  • Filipinos View China as Major Threat: OCTA Research

  • UP expert reports ‘ecological disaster’ in Sabina Shoal

  • Filipinos Now Aware of West Philippine Sea Dispute, Says Navy Spokesperson

Let’s get into it.

UP expert reports ‘ecological disaster’ in Sabina Shoal

corals under water

The presence of Chinese vessels and climate change are causing a "ecological disaster" in the West Philippine Sea (WPS), specifically in Sabina Shoal, according to a biology professor at the University of the Philippines (UP). "There is extensive damage of corals underwater," Dr. Jonathan Anticamara of the UP Institute of Biology stated on Saturday at a news forum in Quezon City. "That's our overall assessment," Dr. Anticamara stated. In Sabina Shoal, also known as Escoda Shoal, which he described as "completely dead," the professor presented their survey visually. [ Read more]

Filipinos View China as Major Threat: OCTA Research

a fishing boat in a body of water with mountains in the background

A survey by OCTA Research showed that three out of four Filipinos still think China is the biggest threat to the Philippines. This view has not changed since December 2023. A poll taken in March found that 76% of adult Filipinos think China is the biggest threat to the country. [Read more]


men in green and brown camouflage uniform

  • On Sunday, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong said the US military deployment in the South China Sea is creating “the whirlpool of an arms race” and is the biggest security threat.

  • New reports show that Vietnam has rapidly expanded its South China Sea dredging and landfill operations in the past six months.

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