‘Woke’ Revisited: Melinda Richards Speaks on Societal Implications of Being Woke

A famous social media user and businesswoman has argued that the term ‘woke’ should go beyond rhetoric.

Melinda Richards wrote You Can't Say That! out of concern for the nation's culture. The decline of free thought in Australia allows readers to express their opinions again.

Ms Richards says her definition of woke underscores the complexities and implications of this widely discussed concept.

“Being ‘woke’ encapsulates a spectrum of attitudes and beliefs that often intertwine with a desire for societal and environmental progress,” says Ms Richards.

“However, it’s imperative to emphasise that authentic wokeness extends beyond mere rhetoric and considers the broader contest in which actions resonate more profoundly than words.”

Ms Richards says many people who claim to be woke grapple with the complexities of aligning convictions with daily practices. 

“I find it puzzling that some people simultaneously buy into the climate scam all while indulging in air conditioning,” she says.

“These same individuals often attend climate rallies and post about it on their phone, which contains substances being mined by slave labour.

“There’s a lot of people who get behind renewable energy sources such as wind turbines and solar deserts, without questioning the impact they have on the environment.”

Ms Richards says there are numerous examples where people’s beliefs appear at odds with their everyday behaviours.  

“You’ll come across selfies of individuals proudly donning masks as they receive multiple injections of a useless COVID vaccination, all in an effort to project an image of virtue, yet these individuals often resort to shaming and vilifying those who opt for a different path,” she says.

“There are people who support Drag Queen Story Hour, thinking it’s cute and inclusive and not sexualising young children, but these people are also afraid to speak out about men in women’s spaces. 

“While virtue signaling is common, critical examination of mainstream media ownership and corporate influence is less so, people blindly believe and follow government directives and label questioners as conspiracy theorists.

“I could go on, but to me, woke does not equate to enlightened.”

Since the launch of her first book, Ms Richards has emerged as a compelling voice in contemporary social and political discussions and says Australia is no longer a free country.

“Now is the time to push back against the dominance of woke language and extreme leftist narratives that permeate every aspect of society,” she says.

“Australia has lost its balance; we are being told what to say and think and even slightly conservative opinions are met with vilification and censorship.”

Ms Richards says her book is designed to give a voice back to conservatives who feel intimidated or threatened when voicing their concerns about the key societal trends that continue to erode our free and open society.

“It’s time for Australia to be fearless in how we engage within our sphere of influence in our daily lives, and I want to help build up that courage and create a grassroots movement,” she says.

“My book calls for the reignition of real freedom of speech and seeks to restore balance to our debates, social discourse, policy settings and pushes back against the inequity of identity politics.

“If you wish to learn how to regain the freedom of speech and remove your fear about speaking out, then this book is for you.”

Ms Richards’ unique perspective, eloquent expression and growing social media influence have garnered attention and praise from a diverse audience and her ability to engage in open and respectful dialogue with those holding differing viewpoints positions her as a valuable commentator.

Melinda Richards is an Australian business owner, social commentator and author who has worked in a variety of roles in the UK, USA and Australia and now runs her own group with interests in real estate, service industry and the agricultural sector.

To read more about Melinda Richards, please visit https://www.melindarichards.com/

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